A while back, when I was looking like a walking whale, I piled on those fat- sucker-pounds hitting the 200lbs.
I was unhealthy in a total hot mess. I had to change my habits and work hard, eating right, and exercising. Enough of that state I got myself into, I started to train like a Bootcamp soldier.
By God’s grace, I dropped 60 lbs. in less than five months. Then, my six-year-old son Yasir comes around checking me out — giving me all these stares.
Me: Son, why all the stare? He says: “Mom, you’re looking cute.”
I’ll tell you, that kid NEVER said that when I was all chunky… I couldn’t blame him.
One thing I love most about kids is their honesty.
Be careful farting in front of them, they will pass on to everyone, and it is going to take you a decade to recover from that embarrassment.
His words lid my heart. I knew the reflection of those words meant that I transformed from a whale to a warrior!