The kindest neighbor I have ever known passed away a few months ago. He was Mr. Bear, our generous neighbor.
He loved my soups and writings. He’d say, “Zahra, I believe you’ll be a best seller for a children’s book one day.”
He’s got to be kidding me. A crappy writer like me doesn’t know what the future holds, but I’ll try.
Somedays, we’d talk about paradise. I remember telling him: Mr. Bear, just like we are neighbors here, I hope to see you in heaven as my neighbor and drink together from the rivers of honey, milk, and wine.
He’d smile and say, “I hope so. You guys are amazing. Allah bless you guys.”
My eight kids will miss his gift drops every Sunday, and I’ll do my best to make him proud by becoming the gift he saw in me. And by spreading kindness to my American families to honor my gratitude towards him.
He uplifted my spirit when I drowned in my struggles to raise my kids and reminded me God has great blessings awaiting me!
You will be missed deeply! May your final home be the highest gate of paradise. For all the kindness you showered us with sincerely.
The saddest part which rips my heart is that I wanted to pay for his house so he wouldn’t ever pay rent again ( God knew I didn’t have the means)
But I didn’t settle there. I fought for a few business ventures, hoping I’d soon have a breakthrough, and instead got hit with scammers, and it SUCKS!
But I pray, my Allah, out of His Perfect Compassion, will give him eternal bliss and a palace of Gold and diamonds. Rest in peace, my rare gem neighbor.