The Three Heaven and Hell Side Doors of Having Kids
Let’s Begin With Hell. Door #1
Speaking from countless experiences after giving birth to eight kids, Lord knows, labor isn’t a joke. Severe monstrous invasion of pain lineup to get your body ready for popping.
Oh how I wish if it were as easy as popcorn popping!
I don’t know if it’s only me or some of you mamas out here on the same boat with me? I get loud, yell, scream, flip, bite — more like a zombie ready to attack pillows to take my frustration of relieving my pain.
The pain has me yelling and questioning how I signed up for this because the suffering is incomparable to anything I have ever experienced. You’d wish you were nonexistent; somehow, when that baby is born by God’s grace, you forget the intensity of all the torture you’ve fought.
Door #2
You are always racing after them, if not physical, then mentally.
As parents, we want what’s best for them, and sometimes we are constantly caring for them as they grow up and even when they are not present, our thoughts are questioning if they are: okay, are they safe, are they hurt, …the list goes on.
Door #3
They’ll pick up bad habits. They’ll make you feel like you failed BIG TIME. They’ll press on your last nerve and have you sing R. Kelly’s Song I believe I can Fly. I don’t want to touch the sky only but land there and not come back!… when kids test your sanity, you’ll wish for strange things. Do I sound harsh? What do you expect? I am speaking from a door of hell.
Now, I Will Cool It off With Heaven
Heavenly gate #1
Their hearts are pure. Precious little souls shine like gold. No grudges and they forgive very easily. They open their hearts for you to forgive you when you were a bit off on the volume of your scolding them few mins ago.
Gate #2
They are your legacy. They can make a difference. Fill them up with goodness. Instill in them to be the ambassadors of hope, peace, love, compassion, justice for all — that will lead them to overflow in rivers of blessings for those who cross their path. And you reap the spiritual rewards of their deeds when you are long gone and turned to bones.
Final Gate #3
If you pay attention, they’ll teach you many things that will shake, humble, and awe-inspire you. Here are the things I have learned:
- They’ll teach you about the power of sincerity
- How to think outside the box and get creative
- How to let go and laugh it off
- How to solve problems
- Their prayers mostly come true
- They awake the child in you
- They are more intelligent than you in many ways, and just because you are the parent doesn’t mean you got it all figured