The Weirdest Thing My Husband Ever Said to Me
Let me tell you, there’s nothing wrong with trying to look hot like Halle Berry, but there’s something way better. And as a teenager, I’ve done some crazy things to fit in with the beauty squad.
It’s hard when you live under peer pressure. Most teenagers feel like they have to vibe in with individual styles, looks, ideas, or they’ll feel like they are left out.
I was obsessed with having clean-looking eyebrows. Most ladies reading this can relate to this: When your eyebrows are straightened, somehow you feel and look cleaner.
Anyway, there was a problem with plucking my eyebrow hair because, in my faith, it’s a sin.
The Jell
I looked for alternatives to put my dried, grass-looking, outward poking eyebrows to sleep. Living with OCD and doing what’s against my faith would haunt me, and I’d destroy myself.
In search of other options, I came across bleaching. I’d look hideous if I am not careful with the directions. If I leave it too long, eyebrow less — that’s what I’ll become and an alien with a scarf.
Thank God one of my friends gave me my break. She uses jell to put those baby bushes to take a nap. Bingo (brother Genius your words are contagious)! What an excellent idea, I thought to myself.
Before My Wedding Day Neared
I applied my little unique discovery to my eyebrows to keep them firm and stay in their lane. But somehow, this brand of jell was taking forever to dry up.
Impatient by not delivering the quality I expected, I just let it go. Some things work differently than others and take a bit more time too. My future-husband at the time started looking at me strangely. His eyes were a little perplexed by what he saw. He couldn’t help himself but had the nerve to ask me: “Zahra, do you sweat from your eyebrows”?
I am here trying to look impressive and beautiful; the last thing I wanted to hear would be if I sweat from my eyebrows.
Thoughts race through my head. No, no, HE DIDN’T! Should I tell him? That it’s jell you psycho, or maybe be like, yea, I’ve been breaking a sweat nowadays. It’s intense in my eyebrow section.
Can’t Hide The Truth
No matter what I’d come up with to explain, I decided not to lie about it.
Yup, it’s jell, buddy.
I felt this embarrassment to tell him of my creative discovery. But, I am blessed to have a man who loves me for who I am. He said, “Zahra, you don’t need to do anything, and I’d still love you for all you are.”
Hearing those words calmed the nervous wreck taking place inside me.
Embrace Your Design
“The human body is the best work of art.” — Jess C. Scott.
Many of us are critical of ourselves, seeing more imperfections and flaws in our bodies than they have. Sometimes we forget our bodies are beautiful, even despite all the little imperfections, because our bodies are one of nature’s works of masterpiece art.
The way you are makes you unique. By trying to blend in with the crowd doesn’t make you stand out. The messiness, the crazy parts, the scars — there’s beauty in that. Celebrate those designs!
Nothing has meanings except the meanings we decide to give. And unfortunately, my mindset was pretty messed up in those old days. I felt like my eyebrows dictated how good I looked. All I had to do was shift my mindset to focus on the countless positive things I had.
When I look back now at how I made such a big deal of this silly idea, I burst out laughing. Here’s the thing: I wouldn’t change a thing. We grow through the mess. And I get to have memories of a good belly laugh.
- You are as beautiful or more than Halle Berry. Don’t live your life trying to be someone you are not.
- Those who genuinely love you also love the entire package of your baggage.
- You give meanings to things. Whether it’s your body, beauty, whatever it is, make sure the importance you give to that thing is uplifting and inspiring.
- In a world where you are being pulled to fit in, stand out, and dance your Godly-given creations.
- Laugh, smile, live outside of your bubble of tweaking imperfection beauty to perfection — your imperfection is raw, real, and that’s the true definition of beauty!